Identify irrational thinking behind the worry.
Some of our most stressful thoughts are caused by irrational ideas. Here are a dozen of the most potent:
- I must be approved of and loved by everybody I know: family, friends, and even casual Acquaintances
- I must be unfailingly competent and perfect in all I do
- It is terrible if things, people or events are not as I wish them to be
- I must have somebody or something stronger than myself to rely on
- I am helpless and cannot control what I experience or feel
- Lasting relationships depend on my being unselfish
- People reject me unless I continually please them
- If people disapprove of me, it means I must be wrong or bad
- Being alone is the worst thing that can happen
- My happiness depends on others
- There is a perfect love and a perfect relationship somewhere to be found
- My value as a person depends on how much I achieve
- The answer to all my problems is out there somewhere
For more information or booking sessions to combat worry, Lorraine can help.